Folk remedies to lose weight at home

Traditional medicine recipes are a good help to get rid of extra pounds. The use of beneficial properties of plants helps to activate fat burning processes, remove excess fluids, and speed up metabolism. The method only works if general rules of dietary nutrition, rejection of sweet, salty and fatty foods, unhealthy snacks, and overeating are adhered to. Extra physical activity helps to enhance the effect of such a diet.

Herbs for weight loss

There are many popular weight loss tips based on herbal medicine recipes. The components of some plants have properties that promote weight loss, they can be used during the diet as an aid, after consulting a specialist and without contraindications. To get rid of extra pounds, the following properties of herbs are used:

  • Diuretics.Tansy, cinquefoil, immortelle, corn silk, Tibetan barberry, dandelion, lingonberry leaves, horsetail are diuretic herbs that allow you to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Burning fat.The plants that activate lipid metabolism are anise, cumin, dill and parsley, mess, green tea, currant and fennel.
  • Choleretic.Angelica, immortelle, tansy, cat paw, dandelion normalizes the gallbladder and liver, which has a positive effect on the entire digestive system.
  • Improves metabolism.Decoctions of ginseng, coltsfoot, birch buds, ginger, nettle, celery, guarana increase energy expenditure (waste of calories) by speeding up metabolism.
  • Laxatives.Cleansing the digestive tract accelerates the elimination of toxins and activates the weight loss process. Caucasian hellebore, joster berries, senna, anise, buckwheat bark and licorice help stimulate these mechanisms.
  • Reduce appetite.Large portions and frequent snacks will help bring up by the mechanisms of the appearance of hunger, angelica, sage, marshmallow root, flax (flax seeds), fucus and spirulina.
  • taming.Extracts of valerian, sage, lemon balm, mint, motherwort help to relieve extra stress and keep a positive one.

Herbal Slimming Recipes

Traditional methods of losing weight using herbal decoctions from medicinal plants must be agreed with a dietitian. Many drugs are potent, so they must be used strictly according to the scheme recommended by a specialist. Weight loss is promoted by taking the following herbs:

  1. Infusion of cherry and lime flower leaves.To prepare the product, include a proportion of dried cherry leaf, St. John's wort, milk thistle meal, and add two portions of linden flowers. 2 tbsp. the mixture is poured into 0. 5 liters of boiling water, left overnight in a thermos. You need to take the drink 30 minutes after meals, three times a day, 70 ml per dose. The duration of the course is 14 days.
  2. Senna Tincture.You can buy a pre-made product in the pharmacy or prepare the infusion yourself, pouring 2 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water (leave them in a dark place for 120 minutes). The duration of continuous intake of the drug should not exceed 14 days, 2-3 teaspoons each after main meals.
  3. Fennel seed decoction.2 tsp raw materials are brewed in boiling water (250 ml) and kept in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. After that, the drink is ingested for another 30 minutes. You can drink the resulting drink instead of tea, 2-3 times a day, 200-250 ml, throughout the diet.
  4. Hellebore tincture.1 tsp crushed dried plant with 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 5-7 minutes. Take the drink immediately after preparation, 1 time per day, during the day, at about the same hour, for 10-14 days.

Folk remedies to speed up metabolism

Folk recipes

are an excellent support measure for losing weight at home, aimed at speeding up metabolic processes during dieting. Using the following plants can not only improve fat burning, but better control your app:

  1. Tae sinsir.10 mg of ginger root is ingested in 300 ml of boiling water, in a teapot, for 7-15 minutes. To soften the taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey and a little lemon juice. The drink is drunk 2-3 times a day, 200 ml per appointment, in the evening - no later than 19 hours (it has a stimulating effect).
  2. Ginseng tincture
  3. tincture.You can buy the product in the pharmacy, take 10-12 drops twice a day before meals, for 45 days. It is necessary to insist the root of the plant independently of alcohol (or vodka) for 20-25 days, in glassware, based on the proportion: 15 g of crushed raw materials per 0. 5 liters of liquid.
  4. Guarana Tea.You can buy special raw materials for its preparation or brew powder from self-crushed seeds in a blender. The recommended dose of the drink should not exceed 400 ml per day, no later than 16 hours (it has a strong tonic effect).

To reduce appetite

folk remedies for weight loss

Home weight loss recipes to remove hunger work best when combined with exercise. In addition to many tonic plants (ginger, ginseng, guarana), some herbs or their seeds have the ability to reduce appetite. Try one of the following methods:

  • Ola rois.Take every morning, on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast. It is worth starting with a dose of 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dose, giving up to 1 tbsp per week. l. The admission period is 30-60 days.
  • Chamomile and sage infusion.Mix in 1 tsp. sage leaf and chamomile color, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15-30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp before meals. l. for 14-20 days. You may start the course 5-7 days before you start the diet.
  • Tincture of root angelica.Sold in a pharmacy or prepared independently - 15-20 g of crushed root is poured into 0. 5 liters of vodka (alcohol), kept in a dark place for 25-30 days. The remedy should be taken 1 tsp, before meals, 3 times a day, for 30 days.

To clean the body

ways to lose weight with folk remedies

Folk remedies to lose weight at home help to lose extra pounds, cleanse all bodily systems, get rid of toxins and toxins, and improve bowel function. To activate these mechanisms, use the following recipes:

  1. Oatmeal jelly.Mix three tablespoons of rolled oats, 100 mg of chopped prunes and raisins, one medium-sized grated beet on a coarse grater, pour 2 liters of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes over high heat. Take 200-250 ml an hour before bedtime, until the end of the diet.
  2. Buckthorn bark tincture.Ready-made alcohol tincture is sold in pharmacies. You can prepare the infusion yourself by mixing 1 teaspoon of raw material with 150 ml of boiling water and leave it for 30 minutes. Take at night, 30 ml, for a month.
  3. Tincture of licorice root.For 0. 5 liters of hot water you need 2 tbsp. l. crushed root, the mixture is ingested for 120 minutes at room temperature, taken half an hour before morning and evening meals, 120 ml per dose, for 14-20 days.

To remove excess fluids

Edema causes excess water in the body, disrupts lipid metabolism, and slows down the process of losing weight. Drinks based on herbs and diuretic plants normalize the functioning of the kidneys and endocrine system, helps to lose up to 3 kg just by removing excess fluids. The following recipes help to achieve this result:

slim drink recipes
  1. Green tea with milk.During weight loss, replace the last meal with a cup of green tea with whole milk. For a week, depending on individual metabolic characteristics, it will take between 1. 5 and 4 kg.
  2. Chicken.1 tsp Ground chicory is poured into 250 ml of liquid, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. After boiling, the drink is ingested for 2 hours. Take the medicine before main meals in 100 ml during the entire period of the diet.
  3. Drink Kefir and parsley.Grind in a blender 1 tbsp. l. parsley leaves, 1 cucumber and 1 celery stem, pour 250 ml of kefir. The cocktail replaces the first or last meal for 7-10 days.
Diluted baths

Narrow baths

Folk remedies for weight loss include taking baths with herbal mixtures. The method helps to improve the condition of the skin - clean the pores, activate the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. The effectiveness of the diet is increased due to the activation of processes to eliminate toxins. You can use this technique 2-3 times a week, the duration of one procedure should not exceed half an hour. Add to the bath water:

  • Mother and Stepmother Infusion.Dried flowers and leaves (50 mg) are poured into 3 liters of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Mixture of birch leaves, oregano and plantain.Plant raw materials in equal proportions (30 mg each) are poured with 5 liters of warm water, incubate for 2-3 hours.
  • Calendula infusion.The solution is prepared over low heat for 15 minutes, pouring 50 mg of plant material with 3 liters of water.

Crushed natural juices from apple, celery, pumpkin, carrot, cabbage and other vegetables contribute to weight loss. These drinks activate metabolism, clear the digestive tract, and help regulate appetite. When cooking, grind the fruit or vegetable base with a blender or juicer, add fat-burning spices (cinnamon, coriander, cumin). You can drink such juice after the main meal or replace it with an intermediate bite.



Some folk remedies for weight loss work more effectively while visiting the bath. To activate the weight loss process, you can steam properly by using a birch broom, the following recipes will help to enhance the effect;

  • Before entering the steam room, a mixture of honey (2-3 tbsp) with added cinnamon (1 tsp) is applied to the skin of the whole body.
  • Between vaping, problem areas (thighs, buttocks, stomach, etc. ) are smelled with a mixture made of a glass of drunk coffee grounds, 200 g of blue clay and milk. The consistency of the finished mixture is a thick sour cream. Before entering the steam room, the product is washed.
  • For steam problem areas, add a mixture of half a glass of rolled oats with 1 tsp. salt and a glass of water or milk, for 20 minutes.